Let's get started!

Hi! I’m Kristy. You might know me from the Pure Nurture Podcast!

I'll be guiding you through this 4-week prenatal health coaching program.

I'm the founder of Pure Nurture, and the work I do is all about empowering women just like you to create healthy lives through inspired pregnancies and confidently calm births. I'm a mama too! I have two daughters and I live just outside of Washington, DC.

This group coaching program is designed to be a simple and stress-free way to create a healthy new life (for you and your baby). There isn't a ONE size fits all way of eating, exercising, birthing, or mothering.

As a prenatal health coach, I'm here to help you find out what works best for you. If you go into any book store or browse the internet, you'll find a wide variety of what you *should and *shouldn't do during pregnancy (and anything that has to do with motherhood, really.) It's all a bit too much.

I'm here to take away some of the stress and help you gain some clarity on what works best for you and what feels best for you. (Not your sister, not your mom, not your BFF.)

We'll go through this course together week by week. You can take your time and go at your own pace, revisiting any of the sessions as often as you need. Take your time and come back to any of the course sessions as often as you'd like.

This is a holistic approach to pregnancy wellness. It's based on evidenced-based research along with your own individual needs, wants, and desires- knowing that no one way of eating, exercising, etc. works for every single person. Just like our children, we all have our own unique genetic, mental, emotional, physical, etc. makeup. I'm going to help you to tap into your body's innate wisdom and your intuition to determine what will work best for you and your baby (Plus a little bit of trial-and-error, which will serve you well as a mom too!)

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