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Choosing the Right BIRTH EDUCATION Course for You
What you'll learn
Bradley Method® Husband Coached Natural Childbirth
Overview: The Bradley Method®
Why you'll love it
Why you'd choose another course
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Hospital-Based Classes
Overview: Hospital-Based Classes
Why you'll love it
Why you'd choose another course
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Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis
Overview: Hypnobabies®
Why you'll love it
Why you'd choose another course
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HypnoBirthing® "The Mongan Method"
Overview: HypnoBirthing® "The Mongan Method"
Why you'll love it
Why you'd choose another course
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Lamaze® International for Parents
Overview: Lamaze®
Why you'll love it
Why you'd choose another course
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Next Steps
Where to go from here
Additional resources
Overview: Hospital-Based Classes
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